EPI Research Website Design and Development
Cynthia Carr, an Epidemiologist and entrepreneur, reached out to me to launch a new website for her consulting business. I spoke with her about what was important to communicate, how she wanted to message her services, and what kind of designs she found appealing. I then designed and developed this new website for EPI Research.

It was important to Cynthia to avoid sterile, medical imagery so common in the industry. I selected photos that spoke to the human connection she wanted to emphasize, and built a word and image cloud for the hero.

Above you see one of the more important pages on the website, the featured service of Psychological Health and Safety. This concept had to be messaged in a clear, attractive way to drive home its importance.

As always, it’s vital the entire site looks good and works well on whatever device the visitor may be using.

To view the live website, visit epiresearch.ca.