Flatlander’s Beer Fest 2019
Flatlander’s Beer Fest is an annual beer tasting festival held in Winnipeg in support of the True North Youth Foundation. I rebranded the festival for the 2019 season, creating illustrations and choosing typefaces and colours to create a look inspired by craft beer artwork.

There was an extensive list of assets required for this, beginning with a city-wide marketing campaign leveraging social media heavily. The decision was made early on to go with a more illustrative style, but the difficult task was developing images that would be able to quickly convey the spirit of the event and be able to be adapted to many different layouts and applications. The wheat stalks and the open fields went with the name (and the location of the event in Manitoba), and the styrenes were meant to appeal to the true beer aficionados. The cheers in the foreground makes it clear that this is a fun, social event that would bring people together over good beer.
I created the short animation below for social media, television, and online ads.
A large part of the project was the program, which needed to feature 100+ breweries and their beer lists with tasting tips, along with our sponsors’ advertisements and information about the foundation the event supported.
For the event itself, tickets, print signage, and digital graphics were needed to brand the event effectively.